For a greater deepdive into important travel topics, join upcoming webinars spread out throughout the year but mostly concentrated in March and April this year. Learn practical steps to achieving your goals, a demonstration on how to book the best flight deals, accommodation within your budget, etc.

How this channel will help you be a part of the 1000

Sometimes we need a practical demonstration and for someone to show us. Many of us are visual learners and we pick up things faster when we see how it is being done versus. read how it is done. In these webinars, you’ll have the chance to not only learn from me but also ask lots of questions and learn from the other participants. I’ll be sharing on the key topics that will get you on the way. This is for you if you need some hand-holding and just need to soak in as much information as possible.

Topics covered in the webinar include:


  • Booking the best flight deals, accommodation and a walk through the travel planning process. [Practical demonstration on how I do it]
  • The financial options to explore in order to afford to travel the world


  • How to overcome the fear of traveling and find the courage to start- practical guides and tips
  • How to earn money while traveling

Full schedule and future time slots to be communicated with participants.

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