Imagine you woke up this morning with super powers that allow you go to a new city whenever you want, however you want without sweating the small stuff? That’d be awesome, wouldn’t it? Now, many of us do not exactly possess those super powers but what we do possess is the ability to create our lives in the way that we want, including a life of travel no matter how small.

Travel is the only thing you buy that makes you richer


The first time I saw this quote, I rolled my eyes and thought “yeah right!” but now, I couldn’t agree more. You’ll only disagree with this if you considered richness in monetary terms (i.e money sitting in your bank account or assets in a foreign land.) If you consider richness in terms of quality of life and life experiences, you’ll agree a ton with that statement.

My three-step strategy

When people ask me how I am able to travel, oftentimes they are disappointed when they find out there is no magic formula involved. I think they should feel the opposite – they should be relieved that there is indeed no magic formula involved and if I can do it, they can do it too. Travel is available for all! Now, because there is no magic formula, it will take some hard smart work on your part but is it doable? 110% YES!

Step One: Write down your travel goals
Step Two: Create a travel account
Step Three: Save aggressively towards your travels

Now the only reason why the last step doesn’t complete the process is because the last process is actually traveling. Many people get to that point and come to a halt as they start feeling stuck and overwhelmed. My advice? Do it afraid! Just. Do. It.

Now maybe you’re over there like, “yeah right! It couldn’t be that easy” or maybe you have some challenges and roadblocks preventing you from living your best travel life. I have outlined some of the common roadblocks and shared some resources to help you.

Travel Roadblocks? I Have Some Answers!

Solo Travel

Tired of waiting for your friends to travel with you? Who says you need an entourage to travel. Read some of my best solo travel tips

Passport Constraints

All passports aren’t born equally. I know the pain of having to apply for visas just to see a country. Been there, done that. Read my tips!


Money, money, money. This is where most people are on a united front when it comes to travel roadblocks. Explore some of my best travel finance tips.


Have a full-time job or think you do not have time to travel? Think again! Explore how I have been able to travel the world while maintaining a job.

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Want to say hi? Give me feedback or need some quick advice? Contact me and I’ll get back to you soon as I can. Collaborations are welcome too!

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