Search Results for: pre-travel

Pre-Travel Diaries: Costa Rica, here I come!

Pre-Travel Diaries: Costa Rica, here I come!

By the time you are reading this, it would have been my third day in the beautiful country of Costa Rica. Costa Rica has always been on my travel list. It looked like the perfect blend of adventure and zen and I just had to go, I had to.

Pre-Travel Diaries: I am off to Cuba!

Pre-Travel Diaries: I am off to Cuba!

Ah, Cuba. Just like Puerto Rico last year, everyone seems to be off to Cuba this year. I love the hotspots because there is a reason why they are hot enough for people to be flooding there and I want to experience it myself. I am super excited for this trip!

Pre-Travel Diaries: Off for a Disney Experience in Orlando, Florida

Pre-Travel Diaries: Off for a Disney Experience in Orlando, Florida

Today, I am introducing a new series to the blog called Pre-travel diaries. Basically, it will be a round-upĀ on how I am getting ready for an upcoming trip and how I am feeling leading up to it. I know just how vital preparation is, so here’s hoping that this new blog series will give you…

My Pre-Travel Ritual

My Pre-Travel Ritual

I absolutely hate the travel process; from customs to immigration to security to baggage check-in to baggage claim and everything else in between. I just want to get to my destination as quickly and stress-free as possible.


Africa is the world’s second largest and second most-populous continent, being behind Asia in both categories. Tourism in Africa is just now seeing some traction and there are so many reasons to visit the beautiful continent. Whether to reconnect with your roots, to see some animals in their natural habitat, or to see some of…