Holiday Blues? Sending Cheer and Coping Mechanisms!
It’s that time of the year! It’s holiday season and everywhere is literally lit up. How’s does it look where you are? Let me know in the comments. You know what’s interesting? You can either read this with excitement or annoyance. Super happy for you if you are excited but today, I am here for the ones who are not so pleased.
Personally, I have had a roller-coaster relationship with the holidays. Loved it because it meant I got to see my extended family gather in one city and there was an endless supply of food. Hated it because of all the stress and responsibilities (read: spendings) that came with it.
I’ll admit I have never truly spent Christmas alone but I have had bouts of times when I spent important ceremonies by myself, like a birthday or a popular holiday. It can be depressing, lonely and expensive, I know.
Even though this year I am fortunate to be able to spend it with those I love, exactly how I want, I am not blind to the fact that some of people won’t. They might be stuck with work responsibilities, obstructed by distance, time or money, or any of the hundreds of things that can distort the way they intend to spend their holidays.
Whatever your situation, here are some tips that might help:
The Lord Himself goes before you and will be with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged. (Deuteronomy 31:8)
It’s okay to say no. You don’t have to go everywhere you are invited.
I was just talking to my friend about this recently. This is the period where most people get invites ranging from family dinners to big parties and hang outs. Guess what that is directly impacting? You got it, your bank account, your physical well-being! Good news is, you do not have to go to all of them, especially if you aren’t really that close to the host – there’s a good chance it’s a “pity invite” anyway. If it stresses you, it probably isn’t worth it.
Consider your pocket.
The holidays come with their own share of financial burdens – gift giving, holiday travels, decorating and price hikes. It almost feels like everyone is out to dig a hole in your pockets. Those retailers and their false sales and everyone buying the things they do not even need. Three words – “budget”, “budget”, “budget”.
Do you ever feel so tired and spent after a long weekend because it was so packed? Well, that same thing can happen during the holidays. Take some time for yourself to just rest, watch some corny holiday movies, kick your feet up and drink some wine. I get that fear of missing out is a real thing, but sometimes choosing to miss out on certain events or activities is the best thing.
You can be cliche.
Clichés aren’t always a bad thing, you know? – go see some lights, see a show or nativity scene, watch fireworks, decorate your home. These little things can be a quick mood boost. Don’t be a grinch.

Plan- time, money, people.
Lack of planning is probably the biggest mistake we all make around the holidays. It’s great to be spontaneous, but going everywhere the wind blows is sure to leave you exhausted and feeling like you’re just going through the motions.
If you can’t have what you desire, enjoy what you have!
I know this is easier said than done, but try. How about you gather around some friends that are in the same position as you and plan holiday dinners and events. Try something different – go to that school event with an open mind, enjoy that dinner while seated on a friend’s floor, Skype into family dinner if you can. Whatever you do, choose to enjoy it.
Happy Holidays.
Sending you love, peace and joy.
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This is a very insightful and encouraging post Ufoma. I spent Christmas without family and it didn’t feel the same. At some point I didn’t mind all the cooking and cleaning stress. Sigh Family is everything.
Compliments of the season
50 blog goals you should set to help grow your blog next year
Ufuoma, I’m learning to say No! Don’t tell anyone but it feels so good. Also the planning bit was def for me. I just sent out my Christmas cards this week. *blink* They should get it before February at this rate. Lol Thanks for this! || Fun Post: Download Your Bae Application Form
Haha! You are talking to the chief procrastinator herself. Gotta do better! Haha. Well I hope they get the Christmas cards early. If not, it can double as a valentines card, anyway. Just give them heads up of their dual purpose card early. LOL.
And yes to saying no! Ugh. Such a liberating feeling!
Thanks for stopping by, Ike.
What blog host do you use?
I use WordPress, darling!
Spending xmas alone for the first time and this is all the encouragement I nided. Thank you!
Glad it helped, Sheila. Whatever the case, praying that you have an amazing one. Happy holidays!