Braving the cold in Banff, Alberta
If you know anything about the weather conditions in Canada, you know it is extreme. It makes you just want to crawl in bed, coffee in hand and avoid the entire world. So, looking back at the moment when braving the cold in Banff seemed like a good idea, has me feeling very courageous.
I was in Calgary last Christmas to visit my sister and I just had to visit Banff, one of the top 15 tourist attractions in Canada. I am not one to pass up on an opportunity like that. It was also an opportunity to be in the area where the popular movie, which everyone was raving about at that very time, was shot. Yes, The Revenant was shot there. If Leo could brave the cold, then I could do it too. Haha. Only thing is, he got paid and won the Oscar’s and… you know what? Never mind. *sobs*

Anyway, my friend Idayat was there as well and we linked up and braved the cold together. We looked like complete Eskimos too but it was a case of trading looks for adventure. In this case, it was a no-brainer. Banff is a beauty.

We were unable to take a lot of pictures as our phones kept going off due to the weather. And of course, it was very inconvenient because we had gloves on. Long story short, we just enjoyed the amazing views and worried less about capturing so many pictures.
(Meanwhile, I am writing a piece about capturing the moment vs enjoying it. It’s definitely one for debate and recently, Snapchat CEO, Kevin Systrom argued that recording the moment allows you to be more present. I am not sure about his argument but you can read it here. )

After all that cold, we went over to Banff Upper Hot Springs. As the name implies, the pool area was heated up. I definitely will recommend it to everyone who goes to Banff, Lake Louise or Canmore. It’s a great experience and it costs only about $6. If you forget your bathing suit (please don’t.) you can always rent one there at a fee of $1.90. I am not sure how hygienic it is to share bathing suits so I’d advise you to take yours along with you.
For us, this felt like a reward for all the braveness and audacity to explore in the cold. Sort of like reaping the fruits of our labour.

After this adventure, this D.H Laurence quote couldn’t be truer.
When we get out of the glass bottle of our ego and when we escape like the squirrels in the cage of our personality and get into the forest again, we shall shiver with cold and fright. But things will happen to us so that we don’t know ourselves.
Have you ever done something that felt impossible to achieve? This was one of them for me. It was a really great challenge and it felt good to have come out of it happier, one of life’s little victories. Will I do it again? No, I’d like to experience Banff in the summer next time but hey, do not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone.
Till next time,
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You and your friend deserve an Oscar for the bravery and you are gorgeous. Nice post.
Thanks Chris.
Great article dear?? “Do not be afraid to step out of your comfort zone” noted.
Thank you Ewomazino!