
My Travel Bucket List: Five Places I am Dying to Visit

I havenโ€™t always been lucky with bucket lists; matter of fact, ditching them altogether has helped me see more countries, even the ones that were never on my radar โ€“ which I am grateful to have experienced.

However, my travel bucket list still exists because, why not? Iโ€™m a huge believer of writing down the vision and making it plain. Also, itโ€™s great to have something to work with and/or look forward to. And did I add, they are fun!

Here are five places I am dying to visit at the moment. Itโ€™s a mix of African countries, a slice of Europe and North America. There are so many places worth visiting but this list is a great start for me.

1.) Morocco

I want to visit for: Mint tea, architecture, desert tour, spice market, culture

Oh Morocco! Thereโ€™s something about Morocco that makes me want to hop on a flight and go there right this minute. I havenโ€™t ever seen a bad photo from that country and it seems so entrenched in culture I wouldnโ€™t experience anywhere else in the world. From the souks, to the medinas, to the exquisite architecture, I canโ€™t wait to experience it all.

2.) Grand Canyon, Arizona, USA

I want to visit for: Antelope canyon, killer backdrops, views and hikes

Iโ€™ve had my heart and eyes out for the Grand Canyon for a hot minute now. Every year, I try to visit but my plans fall short. Iโ€™ll continue trying because I know it will be worth it. The Grand Canyon looks magical, like a painting. Iโ€™ll also love to do some hiking and see the beautiful antelope canyon. Thinking about it right now makes me excited and I cannot wait.

3.) Bali, Indonesia

I want to visit for: Lush greenery, temples, spas, rice fields

Does this country even need an introduction? Bali is probably on everyoneโ€™s bucket list and whatโ€™s not to love? The rice fields? Lush greenery? People, culture, and food? Iโ€™m saving this country for a special occasion and when it happens, Iโ€™m sure itโ€™ll be epic. Bali, Iโ€™m coming for ya!

4.) Kenya

I want to visit for: Maasai culture, safari experience, wildebeest migration

A safari experience in the Maasai Mara will be an actual dream come true. I carefully select my โ€œtravel goalsโ€ and a Kenyan safari experience is one. I imagine, seeing the game reserve, interacting with the Maasai people, indulging in the rich African culture will be amazing. I already know my heart will be so full of joy after the experience.

5.) Blue Lagoon, Iceland

I want to go for: Waterfalls, northern lights, mud baths, thermal pools

Iceland made its way to my heart after I did this interview and everyone was singing its praises. Even though I had heard about the country, I had the biggest misconception of it- I thought it was just a country filled with ice and cold (oh dear!) and who wants to leave Canada to another cold country? Not me! However, after some research, I discovered the beauty that is Iceland and couldnโ€™t help but add it to my travel list.

So those are the top five countries on my travel list. Of course, travel lists are fluid and can change with time. However, these are the places that are making my heart beat at the moment.
Your turn! What places are on your travel list? Do we have any in common? Iโ€™ll love to know so sound off in the comments below.

Follow my travel journey by subscribing to this blog here. New posts every Fridays. I am also on Instagram: @theufuoma. Head over there and say hello.

Thank you for reading.

Until next time,

PS: All photos via unsplash.


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  1. I write goals every year to drive action but I don’t have a written down travel bucket list because once i start Ijust add on and on and then its pretty much the whole world on the list hahah! That being said Ive just recently seen a lot of my top places on my last trip so my refreshed top 5 would be: Madagascar, Japan, Myanmar, Colombia, and The Gambia.

  2. I really want to get to Iceland too. I keep trying to plan a trip there but something always seems to get in the way! Also on my list are Japan, America and Machu Picchu at the moment

  3. My list changes all the time too! Right now – Iceland, Vietnam, New Zealand

  4. Me too for Kenya, Morocco! And I’d really like to do Thailand as well. By like you I’m not so much for lists. I’d just go with the flow – so I’m open to many many places!


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